I'm not ready to give up on this blog... however, the posts will be few if I'm willing to be realistic. My lofty goal of updating every time we do something is slowly fading out of existence. :)
We have done so much since I last posted that there's no chance I could write about it all or that anyone would want to sit and read all of it. So instead I decided to add some pictures and explain what they are. Let's be real -- everyone really just wants to see pictures ;).
The next couple pictures are from a trip we took back in October with my in-laws. They are great. We met in the great place of Kentucky -- great meaning there is nothing but horse farms really. This location was great for us though. We pitched our tents, lit a campfire, and just spent time together away from the business of life. Since Cam and I just got married in March, I really don't know Kelly and Andrew all that well so it was exciting to have a weekend just with them.
One of the most loyal, joyful, loving dogs I've ever met. So glad I got to spend some time getting to know Wyatt as well. He's definitely missed.
Sweet Pika
The biggest/best library I've ever seen!
In December, Cam was asked to be a groomsmen in his dear friend's wedding. Nathan "Lucy", married the girl of his dreams and we were there to help celebrate.
And hey while we're at it... here are some really late pictures from like June when Kelly and Andrew came to visit St. Louis. Wow... talk about a slacker :/
Maybe my all time favorite bear impression
So we've had quite a few memories since I last updated our blog. Some memories that bring smiles and overwhelming joy, and some memories that are painful and bring tears. As Cam and I now walk through the Christian life together we are learning to do it hand in hand. What a gift marriage has been to both of us... though at times I can assure you we want to simply crawl into a hole. We are quickly approaching 1 WHOLE year of marriage in which I hope to go back and blog some of what the year has consisted of.