My morning starts with Cat flustered and rambling about something she has to tell me, but is being extremely vague. So she never gets out just what it is she has to tell me -- just a brief word about Taylor. So that night she waits until Kristy and I are in the same room and tells us that here and Taylor are dating. WHAT?! I am completely shocked and have no words. As the relationship continues for a week or so Cat becomes anxious and ghosts from the past flare up. Cat and Taylor broke up.
That was really where my relationship with Taylor started. Over the year we had multiple conversations where I saw the HUGE heart that Taylor Gordon had and has and truly that he loved my best friend. Time went on, I graduated, got married, and moved to St. Louis where I anxiously awaited my best friend.
From just about day one in St. Louis, Cat never ceased to mention Taylor. We had a couple hard conversations and after about 4 months Cat was able to get the words out with me, "I love Taylor." It took everything inside of me not to burst into tears and be extremely pushy with this new information. Thankfully I was given self-control from the Holy Spirit and I was able to simply stand beside Cat and encourage her to talk to Taylor. Fast forward again and they're dating!!
So now we end up in about the end of August of 2012. Taylor has called Cam and asked how he could get here to propose!!!! So here's where we insert that everyone says I can't keep a secret... boy are they wrong (bitter - yes haha). I had to discretely get cat to try on my rings, go get the size of my ring, and help get Cat occupied on the day of Taylor's arrival. It went perfectly! Except that Cat is the biggest detective I know and was constantly trying to figure things out. The day before Taylor is coming Cat texts me and tells me she things Taylor is coming. I make up some sob story about me doing the same thing to Cam and it blowing up in my face.. mission accomplished.
Saturday morning comes and I am so emotional. It's 2:00 and we have to go drop a car off for Taylor at the car to go ask my best friend to marry him. As we pull up to the airport I see Taylor and burst into tears. Cat is more than just a friend, she's a sister. She knows me and I know her. I have prayed for a man who I think is worthy of Cat and of her story. Little did I know, I could not have even made up a fictional man who compares to Taylor. I have watched him fall in love with Cat with more than just a simple infatuation. He is second most Godly man (aside from Cam ;)) that I know. Taylor has been an agent of redemption in Cat's life and she in his. They were made for each other and given to each other to further the kingdom and that will be done through them individually, but also through their beautiful marriage.
So all I can say to Taylor through my joyful tears is I'm so happy! That night we waited for the call and headed out to St. Charles where I could give Cat such an incredible embrace and look in the eyes of the man that will stand beside her for the rest of their lives. GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!
So here's the pictures:
The letter I wrote Taylor on passing the torch of taking care of Cat
Her welcome to the family gift: a Steelers jersey