In fact this isn't even my picture haha
I knew this weekend was going to be a big deal (hints inviting people from out of town), but until it actually happened I never knew how big.
Saturday morning Cam was up bright and early with a smile on his face. This is a feat in and of itself. We are NOT morning people, but Cam knew his friends were coming and to him that's like Christmas morning as a 5 year old. Sweet friends from all over the country drove to our humble abode in the middle of the country to eat pizza, drink beer, and play yard games all day long. I haven't seen Cam enjoy himself so much in a good while. Friends from college, seminary, and family all hanging out together in our yard -- it was bliss.
The next morning (Sunday) we woke up and prepared to head into Knoxville for the day. Our church is about 40 minutes away from us and we knew they were throwing a party for us after the service. This is also the first time we took both girls for an outing. It was pure chaos. Wake up. Feed the baby. Put her down for nap. Get Zoe dressed. Shower. Eat breakfast. Warm a bottle. Pack diapers. Pack extra clothes for everyone. Warm coffee. Chug a glass of water. Change baby. Load car. 2 pack n plays. 2 sound machines. A stroller. Half way through this process I had my hands over my face and just started laughing -- half afraid I would cry and half out of complete exhaustion.
We get to the church and both girls are sleeping -- while I drop my over tired toddler off in the nursery the family carried Lucy in who still needed to be fed and then wrapped up and put to sleep. Again. I only include all of this because 1.) I want to remember it and 2.) it's applicable to the sermon that day.
As I stood walking in the back of the sanctuary trying to put Lucy to sleep John Stone begins on what I know will be a memorable sermon. He starts, with ministry is done in chaos, always chaos. Amen! I'm sold.
More than being a memorable John Stone sermon because he's telling crazy stories and jumping around the stage, it was memorable because it was vulnerable and honest. He used the passage of the last supper where Jesus tells his disciples you've been with me through it all and yet you're still going to fail. Satan wants to take you, but I have prayed for you and I'm going to give you a kingdom. Paraphrase curtesy of yours truly. He challenged Cam and I directly and by name to speak truth and to speak words of healing. And the only way to do this is to know we will absolutely screw up, but the beauty is knowing the ONLY thing we have to offer is Jesus loves us IN our brokenness, He's praying for us, and He has a kingdom for us. As John starts sobbing from the pulpit telling us that last piece I completely lost it. Sobbing both in the beauty and freedom of what he just said, and then realizing how many of our friends, family, and students were sitting there listening to the same thing. With us.
Cam was installed as a minister of the gospel and I may have let out a scream/squeal that started an audience of laughter and applause. Goodness I'm proud to be his wife! I just couldn't believe that only 6 years prior I was actually hearing the good news of the gospel in my own RUF. How could I be sitting in a congregation, with my TWO beautiful girls, watching my husband, the new RUF campus minister take vows and accept a charge into ministry? As I walked forward with Lucy in the wrap and Zoe in my arms, tears of PURE joy streamed down my face as my husband served me communion for the first time. Yesterday was beautiful.
We left the church and celebrated with family and friends at the beautiful Stone's house. It's a day I hope we never forget. And a day I hope, that as we reflect on it time and time again, will enable us to do ministry for years to come.
Thank you to each one of you who came to watch and support us in this big moment of our lives. Those who drove from all around the country to our students and friends in Jeff City, to those who couldn't make it, but have been supporting us all along the way -- we love you and we're thankful for you.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow.