Our sweet Zoe is 4 months old today! It's only now that the early weeks feel like a blur and life feels like it's always been this way. This girl right here -- what a sanctification tool. I've always loved kids for as long as I can remember, but to be honest I've never really had to love them. And by that I mean consider and serve them above and before myself.
I remember while in St. Louis going to a weekend marriage class with Cam and only half listening during the "kids" section. Because really who listens to wisdom about things that don't apply to you yet? (Palm to face) I hope to get better at this -- to learn how to listen aside from my own gain. Any who I remember the couple talking about kids being takers and how they will always be takers. About how as a parent it is your job to give and give and give without expectations of receiving. This is so hard! Our little peapod continually reminds me of how much I really wish the world served me. I even said out loud to Cam this week, " I just want to stop everything and have zero responsibility".
Honestly it's only now as I stop and reflect a little that I can say thank the Lord for being a Father who teaches through such beautiful means of grace. A God who chooses to teach me through the joys of being a parent. The frustrating cries of a nap ended too soon met with an enormous toothless grin because I enter the room. The annoyance of not comforting herself at a friends met with contentedness once she's a part of the action. The neediness of boredom with toys met by sweet chatting from my girl once I lay down beside her. A night of sleep interrupted by the babe who can't seem to quit ramming her head into her crib slats, met by instant sleep with a simple rub on her head. Though these situations are exhausting and so frustrating at the time, I hope to learn how to stop and treasure these teaching moments. To think outside of myself and remember that Zoe is doing way more than simply taking from me -- she is constantly giving her complete love and trust which alone are things I don't deserve.
And as the title says, some projects before our move in just over a week!!
New stain on our table
Paint for Zoe's new dresser
The tool that allows me to mindlessly do all these projects
We've never had a hutch before! (Paint still drying)
The last two projects before we move:
Paint this dresser and get new hardware
Paint over these flowers and replace the hardware