Let's just start off by saying... I LOVE presents. I love presents of any shape, size, or value -- candy bars, letters in the mail, silly impractical things, or something I've been eyeing for a while. I love that it means someone thought about me and wants to show it. I love the physical representation and reminder of "Hey, I care about you."This can be really encouraging to my husband or a total let down when I respond with the same extreme excitement at the treat he brought home from the grocery store, or the expensive Christmas gift he planned and saved for all year.
This week we were showered with presents! When I came home and saw these HUGE boxes on our front porch I made Cam stop everything just so I could open them!
These gifts that came in the mail and online this week have an extra special feel to them. As Cam and I have moved to what feels like 50 bajillion places over the past 2.5 years we have gained and lost community along the way. I think I feel this particularly heavy right now because we're expecting a new family member that so many people along the way have prayed for with us. And though they continue to pray and ask from a far, it was good to receive little tangible pieces of them this week. This little girl is so loved already and as an expecting mama that is beyond humbling and comforting. So thanks friends for loving us and for anticipating our little girl with that same great love.
This weekend we went to visit some dear friends of ours in Pittsburgh. Cam has been friends with Jeff and Sarah since college, but my friendship started with them just 2 short years ago. This year Sarah and I are sharing the expectation of a little one which has been such a gift. I've loved sharing and exchanging all things babies -- and secretly I'm thankful they are 11 weeks ahead of us because she preps me well.
We were welcomed with such generous gifts for our stomachs and for the Smithling. This is the first I've actually seen of the diapers we'll be using in 3 short months!! I love them -- they're tiny, adorable, and not filled with poop right now :).
We took our first trip to IKEA and it was a blast. We bought a couple little goodies that I wish I had taken a picture of -- I'm sure they'll show up on here soon enough.
And finally for my 25 week pictures I added a friend.
Sarah 36 weeks and me at 25 weeks
The blog looks great!!! Also, "Dancing in the Minefields" is one of my favorite songs!