
Friday, January 31, 2014

1 month

January 30th: marks a whole month of your life! It's funny how things like the fact that we're STILL figuring out your insurance makes me feel like you were just born. Yet looking at this pictures I feel like you've always been here. 

In the last two weeks you've really been alert during your whole 30-45 minutes of being awake. Any time someone wants to see you on skype we have to plan it perfectly other wise you're in bed before they even sign on.

This was also the last time you wore that cute 3 month cupcake outfit. You no longer fit into it -- I keep telling myself it's because their brand runs small.

Your dad, once again, is amazing with you. I'm not sure why I'm so surprised since he takes care of me so well -- I'm simply amazed that he comes home after a long day of work and a quick stop at the gym to change your diapers and feed you the rest of the night. Not to mention engage me so that the crazies stay at bay. This picture says it all though -- he has that energy and desire to care for you because he absolutely adores you.

Your first trip to church was two Sundays ago, but we forgot to take a picture so we took one this Sunday instead. This week your dad had us sit literally in the second pew -- I was convinced we were sitting ducks without an escape route for when you started wailing. You were silent the entire service!

I thought I would take some pictures of what you do through out the day -- I'm hoping this becomes more interesting as you get older. The reality is, after you eat, you're only awake for 10-15 minutes most of the time. And really all you do is lay there looking at things and listening either to me ramble or the music I have playing all day to break the silence. I'd love to have sweet pictures of you in your stroller, but we live in Pennsylvania Antarctica right now and I can't take you outside in -5 degree weather. Give it another 3 months and you may breath real oxygen for the first time in your life.

And finally I made you sit in another dress and bow to take pictures. Get use to it kiddo you're too stinking cute with that enormous bow :)

As I watched you during "tummy time" I couldn't help but flash to the first couple weeks with Fran. It made me giddy thinking of all the adventures we're going to have. You'll meet Fran in a few short months and I'm sure become the best of friends.

Your name means life, and if Fran's spunk has anything to do with me, you'll live up to your name.

What a champ holding her head up!

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